Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hazel Wide Eyed

Hazel eyes, amazed at the shake.
Massive hurt felt around the massive global perimeter.
We are a blend eye make.  Always.

Why the shake and make a grave for little body sake?

The light in eye make is shaken to the core of reasoning why such harsh could be taken onto the vulnerable.  Elders and children.  Elders and children.

More than why, give some more why please.

Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?
And more to all the vulnerable lost in vise, why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?
Never can the count of why be enough.  Please take the amount of years on this earth to reflect on your Why.

Monday, September 2, 2013

New Negotiation

Files out, mail is in the make pull amount.
We couple are negotiating which way to pull full out.
That this
that want
that makes a massive pool.

Living with those who know the line, give it and call it and be it to for find cool.

Toastie in the morning, nice and serene and then there is the day that can make a Maker seen.

Why do I feel the same pull from massive birth?

Not is now and now is not and that is when we all find an engraved pen.

Not sure when you're born, not sure when made of material to last, we are all be giving to those who hear some last.

Never mind you the route your love takes.

Love is withstanding and make a popper right shake.

Long, lean live for our old never known what is known.

The negotiation is everlasting when grief is in full moon shown.

Finder Chill Finder

Dropped my ashes on a clean key board.  Found my answer in a think tank call.

My thoughts are in many different places tonight.

Ok: permission to not be creative.

Not hold a purpose or clear spelling.

I am just me.

I am just me.

I am just me.

I cry.

I scream.

I definitely scream.

I hit.

I ache.

I ache so hard the sounds don't make sound.

I am me.

I am me.

When I finish a sentience I wonder if my words made sense.

i am me.

I look for experiences that provoke some reflection--sometimes.
And other times, I am looking to provoke some anything.  I don't care--as I seem.

I am me.

Me, well I am stoic and family proud.  I married right.  Truly on all levels.  I seek creativity-can't avoid it.  I seek it.

I love beauty--in all forms.

I love my daily routine, dailies are my savior.

I love to sneeze.

I love feeling uninhibited and observing loved ones in the same moment-to-moment space.  Authenticity to the hilt!  To the loving, bloody hilt!


love your first, second, many and last and be authentic in the adventures you allot.

Come now--be.

Connection to bereavement:  You change daily.  Embrace that.  Like Grief--Life is ever-masterly shifting, pick your point of interest and make havoc for it!

Why bloody not?!