Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nora's Birth Altar This Year

This was the first year I celebrated Nora's birth, not holding onto her passing

This was the first year I felt her completely.  Seven years.  This was the year I allowed the ache of missing and loving her wash through and out of me.  I felt the pain but was not the pain.  This was the first year.

This year, I was in the warm water of the South Pacific, Kauai.  I allowed the day to prepare for her birth/passing day to be soaked in salt, water and air.  I was the ocean that day.  I cried such yummy ache, felt it all and was held tenderly and strongly by the elements of an ancient island created by water, wings and wind.  Both Nora and I were held that day.

Maholo Kuaui

February 28th darling daughter