I have a moment.
This Moment to think. Bloody-F think. Please stop banging on the door, Mama deserves to think.
A Moment.
The moment: soft, clear, open and surrounded by liquid goo of yum. Mama visual. Silent.
Silent. Listen.
I hold any number of normal facets; breath, laugh, be kind.
I soak from Peace Givers thru word, art, medium of human make: Thomas Moore, Dr. Wangari Maathai, Mr. Fred Rogers, Ilene Wolf, Levon Helm, Neil Diamond, Neil Young, MLK, list on and on.......
Gift: soaking the words of Elders.
Nothing will ever compute the way an Elder word is heard through a Tender ear.
Joyful quest for us all to find reason of chaos, we have Elder wisdom of reflection.
It will be found. Always with Elder voice and Youth ear, It Will Be Found.